I've spent the last couple of days putting in the Ikea kitchen. It is pretty straight forward.
The design does not give much flexibility in attaching the cabinents to the walls. It is not very good for my timber stud wall. To solve this I did one of two things. One option was to create horizontal anchor points by installing a piece of timber that spans the cabinet sides. The other option is simply to move the anchor angles from their standard position on the cabinent sides to the top and bottom.
The adjustable legs make leveling the benchtops easy. When attaching to the wall I did use packers to compensate for the lack of a perfectly straight wall.
I added some more bracing for the sink and gave it the sit test and it was fine. I may need to brace the stove top as well. I guess we will see.
Obviously the whole set up has been carefully engineered to avoid waste.
The plumber dropped in and expressed a desire to put in the fittings before the benchtop. I've got other things to do, so that is fine.

The council inspected my stormwater. No problems - yay! We discussed what is required for an interim occupancy certificate. Not too much. Probably the biggest thing is the electricity. Hopefully I'll be able to finish every thing I need to by the weekend