Inspite of having a dreadful virus (sore muscles, sore throat, flem etc), I thought I would soldier on and fix up the path.
When I first put in the steps up from the garage level, I had to remove one because the head clearance over the step was a bit low. This left me with some jagged concrete and exposed re-inforcing.
To fix up the jagged concrete, I used my angle grinder with a diamond blade (+ Liz continuously spraying the blade with water) to cut out a 50mm deep rebate below where the step use to be. Then came out the cheap almost useless Ozito jack hammer to remove the concrete. I also cut down further the exposed re-inforcing. I used non-shrink grout to fill in this rebated section.
Also in the photo you can see the corner slab and the added step. You can also see the contraction joint between the corner slab and the repaired concrete.
I had to wait around 4 hours before the concrete had set enough to remove the step form and do the finishing.
I'm really hoping that because I did such a deep rebate, used non shrink grout and put in a conctraction joint, the repair will work and not just crumble.
I also buried some 100mm diameter agricultural pipe to run pipes and cables through.