Saturday, August 15, 2009

French and Vertical Drain

I've installed my vertical drain and I am in the process of putting in a french drain.

A french drain is the easiest thing in the world to build. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Order 14 tons of recycled agregate.

Step 2: Calculate how many buckets you will need to fill up. Around 1000 in my case.

Step 3: Console yourself in the fact you will probably need to order 2 more trucks full.

Holding up the vertical drain in tricky. I ended up not bothering to try to stick it to the wall. I'm now just using short posts.

After putting down 30mm of gravel, I put down the slotted and socked agricultural pipe.

I'm installing two separate pipes with an opening at both ends. By doing this, I can flush the sediment out.

The recommendation is to surround the agregage with geotextile fabric. However, instead of the pipe getting clogged, the fabric does - you can't win!

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