Sunday, February 14, 2010

Inauspicious beginning

Last Thursday council notified us that we could move in, so yesterday we took bedding, food, utensils, table and chairs and stayed for the weekend. We installed the cooktop (but didn't connect the gas) and Graham cleaned up the bathroom, then I cooked a simple dinner on a plug-in two-burner hotplate and we went to bed.

A while later, Louka sat up in bed and vomited. We cleaned her and the bed as best we could and went, or tried to go, back to sleep. By the third time we were ready with a bucket and damp cloth (from a big bag of rags) but the fourth time she was too quick for us. Not much sleep for any of us.

In the morning she was hot and miserable but of course we had no panadol, so Graham went off to the pharmacy to find some. Fortunately it was open. She fell asleep again and we managed to sort out all the rubbish and cardboard boxes (hundreds of cardboard boxes) so Graham could take a load to the tip. Louka woke up feeling better and had some lunch, but soon brought that up again.

When Graham got back from the tip we started painting the living room, but after a while Louka felt sick again and only wanted to be held by me, so Graham had to clean up on his own. Then he had to pack the ute himself, and of course it rained again on the way home. We'll have to get some sort of cover for the ute.

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