Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cracked Driveway

Today I noticed that the driveway has begun to crack up. An obvious explanation is the ute. Hmm... more evidence I should not overload the vehicle.

Most of the floor boards survived being pounded by bricks. I did another 6 loads today.

The tip people have started asking questions about what I am doing. I suggested if they have any concerns, they should ring the "24-hour National Security Hotline" on 1800 123 400. Only joking, I told them that I am an owner builder demolishing my own house - sating frustrations.

I was a bit wary about telling people what I am doing. Most people don't think it is a good idea/very dangerous/work cover will be over me very quickly. But I have relaxed a bit since most of it is gone.

I removed the cast iron bath tub today - really heavy.

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