Friday, September 4, 2009

Rain and Deck Finished

It rained pretty heavily last night so the place had water everywhere when we arrived. They still managed to mostly finish laying the back deck. I've started to make and install the barn doors the the garage. All I have done is attached the jambs to the blockwork. I'll be making up the doors proper using the timber I salvaged from the old house. Of course I am really slow. I'll initially make up the doors with plywood for security.

That F27 is sure hard. The guy has a full on air compressor driven huge nail gun and when they are driven in perpendicularly, they are still proud by about 5mm. Diven in at an angle they just tend to deflect. The rear deck bearers are 240mm x 45mm every 1.8m - really chunky design. The deck is rock solid to walk on though.

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