Friday, January 16, 2009

Life Experiences

Today I wanted to experiment.

I wanted to find out whether indeed I needed to bring an excavator in to demolish the house. The outside walls came off very easily. However the inside walls, bound together with render didn't want to move too much. So I tried using the 'jack' technique. The 'jack' technique isn't one invented by Jack, but rather a technique that uses a car jack to create stresses in the walls by lifting them up.

I first tried lifting up the wall from the top of the window. This worked too well - a crack soon formed not only along the window's wall but the adjacent walls as well. I was committed - leaving the wall with a half an inch gap in it is asking for trouble. I continued to jack it up, but it didn't fail until I prodded it fairly firmly with a 3m length of wood. Down it came with a huge plume of dust.

This aroused my neighbour, who I know, and he and his mate raised a couple of eyebrows. I started to offered an explanation, but with every so slight anger, he proceeded to inform me how disappointed my wife would be if I killed myself.

Now this leads to a philosophical observation about life. Life is a collection of experiences.

I think I will get an excavator in.

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